How enterpreneur decide

How a Hair Extension Inspired This Entrepreneur to Decide to become

People have worn their hair in a broad range of ways throughout history, which are usually influenced by the fashions of the culture they are a part of. Indicators and markers of social class, age, marital status, racial identity, political views, and gender attitudes are hairstyles.

Some individuals may choose to completely or partially cover their hair for cultural or religious reasons. Women who practise Islam cover their heads with the hijab, married women who practise Haredi Judaism wear the sheitel, married Himba males who cover their hair except when in mourning, Tuareg men who wear a veil and baptised men and women who practise Sikhism wear the dastar as notable examples of head coverings.

The Venus of Willendorf, now known as the Venus of Willendorf, is the oldest known example of hair braiding, dating back roughly 30,000 years.
Known in academia as the Woman of Willendorf, this female Palaeolithic figurine is thought to have been created between 28,000 and 25,000 BCE. About 25,000 years old and undeniably showing hairstyling is the Venus of Brassempouy.

Women’s hair was frequently ornamented and styled in unique ways in prehistoric societies. Women colored, curled, and put up (ponytail) their hair in various ways. They created waves and curls in their hair by using wet clay that was dried in the sun and then combed out, quince seed jelly, curling tongs, and several types of curling irons.